who takes care of our forests
in conjunction with project learning tree an initiatief of SFI

Wildlife Biologist

Wood Building Design Consultant

Forest Technician

GIS Resource Specialist

Wood Scientist


Wildland Firefighter


Carbon Modeler

Our Changing Planet

Life Science

As you read, think about how scientists are working to help conserve Earth’s renewable resources.

Go to article: PathfinderGo to article: In This IssueGo to article: Who Takes Care of Our Forests?Go to article: Ken Price, Coeli Hoover & Magen Dufurrena - Who Takes Care of Our Forests?Go to article: Cady Lancaster, Darren J.H. Sleep & Ashley Coble - Who Takes Care of Our Forests?Go to article: Andree Morneault, Kim Kennedy & Kendall Conroy - Who Takes Care of Our Forests?Go to article: Activity - Find Your Green JobGo to article: Digging Up HistoryGo to article: The General’s Garden & The General’s Garden - Digging Up HistoryGo to article: Digging for Information &  Digging Deeper - Digging Up HistoryGo to article: Learning from the Lawn & Learning from the Land - Digging Up HistoryGo to article: Ouf of the Water, Into the LabGo to article: Difficult Dive & Sharks in the Adriatic - Ouf of the Water, Into the LabGo to article: Shark Sightings ,Dangerous Waters & Under the Microscope - Ouf of the Water, IntGo to article: More Signs of Trouble & Next Steps - Ouf of the Water, Into the LabGo to article: Explorer ClassroomGo to article: The End