Darwins Finches

The finches on the Galápagos Islands were different from those in mainland Ecuador. Their beaks were suited for how they obtained their food on each island. Beak shape, Darwin realized, is an adaptation that helps the finches survive.

For example:

Green warbler‑finches have thin, sharpbeaks. They use them to spear insects.


Medium ground finches have short, stubby beaks. They use them to eat seeds on the ground.


Common cactus finches have broad, curved beaks. They use them to nibble on plants.


medium tree finch
(Camarhynchus pauper)

large tree finch
(Camarhynchus psittacula)

mangrove finch
(Camarhynchus heliobates)

woodpecker finch
(Camarhynchus pallidus)

green warbler‑finch
(Certhidea olivacea)

Cocos finch
(Pinaroloxias inornata)

small ground finch
(Geospiza fuliginosa)

medium ground finch
(Geospiza fortis)

large ground finch
(Geospiza magnirostris)

sharp‑beaked ground finch
(Geospiza difficilis)

common cactus finch
(Geospiza scandens)

Española cactus finch
(Geospiza conirostris)

vegetarian finch
(Platyspiza crassirostris)

small tree finch
(Camarhynchus parvulus)

mainly insects
buds and fruits
cactus seeds and parts
mainly seeds
ancestral seed eating ground finch