In the rainforest, I could hear the roar from the Devil’s Throat.

I moved to the edge of the footbridge. ​​​​​​​Looking over, I could see the giant waterfall.

The mighty Iguazú River fell over the rocky cliff. It was beautiful.

Great Water

Its name says it all. Iguazú means “great water.” It is one of the largest water systems in the world. The falls span the borders of Argentina and Brazil. During the rainy season, up to 275 different waterfalls can form.

Most of the falls are on the Argentina side of the river. I raced up the river in a speedboat. The boat slowed at the foot of several waterfalls. I got a good view!

trail to Devil’s Throat



Devil’s Throat

Seen from the air, Devil’s Throat divides Argentina and Brazil.

Iguazú Falls






South America

Legend of the Falls

A legend tells how the falls came to be. Long ago, a serpent god lived in the river. He was angry. A young woman named Naipi was in love with the warrior, Tarobá. She and Tarobá tried to run away. The serpent god saw them. He split the earth, creating the Devil’s Throat. He turned Naipi into a rock. He turned Tarobá into a tree on the other side. Now, they can only meet over a rainbow.

A rainbow bridges the falls.