Everyone in Puno helps raise animals, like sheep.


When you work as a linguist, it is important to do fieldwork. This means going to places to hear people speak. In Puno, I do actual “field” work. I herd sheep and alpacas. I plant and harvest crops. I work with the people I am studying. This way, I can listen to their words.


A woman herds her flock of sheep near Lake Titicaca.

Collecting Talk

I also interview people. I ask them to say things into my recorder. Later, I study these recordings to understand how the people are speaking.

People tell me about their lives. This helps me to get to know them.

women in Puno, Peru


Wali luphiwa

(wa-li lu-pee-wa)


It is really sunny.

Celebrating Life

The people here look for ways to celebrate life. I am invited to a play. This is another chance for me to listen to their languages.

As always, I listen closely. I had hoped to hear a new language, but I do not. That’s okay. I learned about how the people in Puno live. I also learned about their wonderful words.

Actors pretend to be the man and woman who founded Puno.





See you later!