hairyblue tarantula


Everyyear,about18,000newspeciesarediscovered.Thatmeansscientistsarefindingup to50newspeciesevery day!

InarainforestinSouthAmerica,scientistAndrewSnydercouldn’tseeathing.So,heclickedonhisflashlight.Hewassurprisedtodiscoveradozenhuge,bluespiders.Theywereanewspecies.Hecalledthemhairybluetarantulas.Newspeciescanbefoundinplainsight,too.Thepatch‑nosedsalamanderwasdiscoverednearacreekinGeorgia, U.S.A.

patch‑nosed salamander


Scientistsarelookingattheworldindifferentways.So,theyarefindingnewspecies.Peoplearecuttingdownforests.Theyaremakingmoreroads.Astheymoveintothewild,theyfindnew species.

Newtoolslikedeep‑seacamerasalsohelpfindnewspecies.Oneexampleisthe Indonesianpsychedelic frogfish.

Indonesianpsychedelic frogfish

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