Go to article: TrailblazerGo to article: In this issueGo to article: Extreme AnimalsGo to article: Extreme Animals - Stickiest SituationGo to article: Extreme Animals - Hottest LifestyleGo to article: Animal AdaptationsGo to article: Amazon AdventureGo to article: Amazon Adventure - Challenge 1: Jungle DIYGo to article: Amazon Adventure - Challenge 2: Hunting for SupperGo to article: Amazon Adventure - Challenge 3: Snakes and Spiders!Go to article: Wedge It!Go to article: Wedge It! - It's SimpleGo to article: Wedge It - Dining with WedgesGo to article: Wedge It! - A World of WedgesGo to article: Wedge It! - Which Wedge?Go to article: Explorer ClassroomGo to article: The End