National Geographic Explorer classroom

Meet a National Geographic Explorer!

With National Geographic’s Explorer Classroom, you and your classmates can talk with a real-life explorer! All sessions are live events hosted on YouTube with no cost to join, and your classroom could be on camera with a change-making scientist, conservationist, or storyteller.

Every Explorer Classroom is different! You could travel to the depths of the Rising Star cave system in South Africa or out to the middle of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. If you miss one as it streams live, the recordings are posted on YouTube, so you can tune in later.

Go to article: TrailblazerGo to article: In this issueGo to article: Extreme AnimalsGo to article: Extreme Animals - Stickiest SituationGo to article: Extreme Animals - Hottest LifestyleGo to article: Animal AdaptationsGo to article: Amazon AdventureGo to article: Amazon Adventure - Challenge 1: Jungle DIYGo to article: Amazon Adventure - Challenge 2: Hunting for SupperGo to article: Amazon Adventure - Challenge 3: Snakes and Spiders!Go to article: Wedge It!Go to article: Wedge It! - It's SimpleGo to article: Wedge It - Dining with WedgesGo to article: Wedge It! - A World of WedgesGo to article: Wedge It! - Which Wedge?Go to article: Explorer ClassroomGo to article: The End